Rose Golde Beauty

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Fall Feels Hair Color

IT’S HERE! FALL IS OFFICIALLY HERE! Ahhhhhh, I feel so much better letting that out! Don’t get me wrong I LOVE Summer, in fact - Summer is my favorite season. But, Fall - Fall is just as amazing!

I’m always ready for the leaves to turn and the air to get crisp. It’s time for warmer clothes & fall boots and guests start asking me to cut fringe and warm up & darken their hair color. It’s such a fun season!

With these fall feels and warmer/darker hair tones we can’t lose sight of the long run. The long run of - going blonde. 

We’re in a cycle of lightening and darkening our hair. These seasonal cycles play a big role in our hair color whether we are aware of them or not.

Come with me on this.…It’s spring and the sun is getting warmer and coming out earlier - we awaken from our winter hibernation - things are blooming…the light is capturing us…and we get the urge to pull out our Spring Wardrobe and ask our stylist to lighten our hair”

Your stylist and you begin “the blonde journey” and you work diligently on that goal all summer. You soak up all that sunshine, you get outdoors, you do brunches, you vacation - SUMMER IS THE BEST, WE ARE THE BEST, OUR HAIR IS THE BEST!

Then the leaves start to turn and the air gets crisp……

You see…we’re in a cycle. The cycle is normal, the cycle is FUN! 

During the Fall season we need to remember that we are going to want to lighten our hair again. We are going to have to lift out these darker warmer fall tones that we are about to put in our hair - which, can be very tricky - and brassy. So let’s plan now and avoid brassy blonde later.

I am all about setting myself as a Hair Artist up for success and my Client and their hair -long term- up for success too. We do this by having our Hair Artists take us darker with Semi and/or Demi permanent color.

Semi & Demi permanent hair color uses a lower level of developer thus not penetrating the color deep into our hair’s cortex. The color lives on the outer cuticle layer. Which allows it to be lifted / lightened out easier when we get the urge to go blonde again.

Permanent color uses a higher volume developer and drives the color deep into the center of our hair - it’s PERMANENT. It’s really hard to lift or lighten out of the hair. Hair Artists have to fight against it, and clients have to fight the brassy stage of the blonding journey all over again. It’s not fun or pretty for anyone.

That’s why Semi & Demi permanent colors allow us to have our cake AND eat it too!

So this Fall - let’s channel all the Eggplant, Chocolate, Hazelnut, Nutmeg, Golden vibes as possible! Feel the Fall Feels, cut the fringe and change your hair color! Do it and feel beautiful babe!